this is not at all true. there is no energy field that connects us all and that responds to our thoughts and emotions. there is no scientific evidence for this claim. Please cite your sources for this claim.
One of the most misunderstood aspects of quantum physics is the role of the observer. In some interpretations, the act of observation appears to affect the state of what's being observed, leading to the idea that consciousness or observation can directly influence physical reality. However, this doesn't mean that human thoughts can manifest changes in the macroscopic world in the way often portrayed in popular media or pseudoscientific claims. The observer effect in quantum mechanics typically involves interactions at the quantum level and doesn't scale up to influence larger, classical systems in a direct, causal way.
The concept of a "collective consciousness" comes more from sociology and psychology, not from physics, and refers to the shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes that operate as a unifying force within society. This is not a physical energy field but a metaphorical way to describe the shared cultural and social framework within a group or society.
There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of a collective consciousness that responds to individual thoughts and emotions in a manner that physically manifests those thoughts and emotions in reality.